What is Customer Experience (CX)

Customer experience (CX) is how consumers perceive the interactions they have with a brand at multiple touchpoints throughout their customer journey.

This can be a query on social media, a conversation with a chatbot or simply navigating on a website from one page to another. Each interaction matters and will have an impact on how future and current customers view a brand.

In fact, 52% of customers will switch to a competitor if they have a single negative impression, according to Zendesk. This makes it crucial for a business to prioritize customer experience which hopefully leads to great customer reviews .

It encompasses everything the customer touches, hears, handles, or sees as they interact with a product or service. CX requires companies to care about their customers and serve them in the best possible way.

It’s worth noting that to deliver a great experience for customers, you need to understand what they want! Creating defined buyer personas can help you get to grips with who your customers are, what they like, and what their pain points are.

The image below shows how business

Brand and business all overlap with CX at the core.

What is Customer Experience (CX)
Companies who excel at CX:

Delight their customers
Forge an slovakia email list 434238 contact leads emotional connection with their audience
Transform people into loyal fans and advocates
What is a CX pyramid?
Once an organization understands its customer needs, the next step is to set about meeting those needs.

You can use a CX Pyramid to help you do this which is formed by three steps:

What is Customer Experience (CX)


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Utility: At the bottom of the pyramid, the Utility step requires an organization to satisfy the basic requirements of good customer service – delivering a service that is on time, delivered in full, consistent, and offers value.
Usability: In the middle of the pyramid is the Usability step. Here, the organization goes one step further, and aims to reduce friction and make its services easier to interact with.
Pleasurable: Only when the intensive work of the first two steps is complete can the organization move to the third step – creating pleasure, and measuring how pleasurable customer interactions are at an emotional level.
All too frequently, organizations focus on the pleasurable step at the top of the pyramid, at the expense of the utility experiences at the bottom, which is a mistake. The basic foundations of good customer service should be in place before you attempt to build upon them.

What is customer experience management

Customer experience is something every organization manages, whether intentionally or not.

There are no hard and fast rules about what you must do. It’s about understanding that a number of processes, tools, and responsibilities taiyuan mobile phone number list must connect to deliver an overall excellent experience.

Organizations that create exceptional customer experiences know that managing experience is an ongoing process and more a mindset for the entire organization than just the responsibility of a couple of employees.

CX management involves:

Managing customer expectations
Adopting a continual CX mind-set
Increasing awareness of your brand or product
Defending yourself against decreasing margins or a race to the bottom
Increasing customer retention and loyalty
Competing elements

There are a number of competing elements to consider when you’re looking at the overall customer experience:

What are your organization’s business priorities

How does the business stand out from the crowd, what it is famous for, and how it does things differently?
How do you satisfy customer needs, how do you meet their goals with minimum friction, and how can you meet their emotional needs?
It can sound like 14 actions to generate qualified web traffic a simple tick-box exercise to satisfy each of these three elements, but you’ll quickly discover there can be conflict and tension between them.

For example, what your customer demands may not necessarily align with your commercial ambitions – and at times, even these can be polarized.


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