10 Essential Skills Employers

When it comes to job applications, recruiters are looking for more than a qualification. Employers are looking for employees that have the skills to navigate the changing ways of working and the recruitment landscape. As an applicant, you need to stand out from the rest, not just with an attractive résumé, but with complimentary skills to match. Want to know if you match the requirements? Read on and discover the 10 essential skills employers look for in 2023 and assess how you fare.

Why skills are important

We know that the saint lucia email list 26037 contact leads marketplace is changing and will continue to evolve as innovation, trends, and technology advance. Upskilling and staying up to date with the numerous changes is key to being relevant in your role and making the leap into a new position. An enhanced skillset is what you need to take you to the next level.

10 Essential Skills Employers Look for in 2023


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Critical thinking and problem-solvingCritical thinking and problem-solving are making sense of the chaos and are indicative of higher cognitive skills. Problems of all shapes and sizes make up a portion of every workday. It’s taking in information, processing it, and knowing how best to use it. Furthermore, you need to not just identify the issue or what’s not working but demonstrate critical and strategic thinking skills to come up with solutions to these challenges. You also need to be able to positively influence your team to see your perspective.


Communication is at the core of the success of every team and business. If you can speak, write, listen, and negotiate effectively, you can advance in almost any job. Added to this, with remote working becoming more commonplace, the risks of miscommunication can be high, along with insufficient information being shared. Knowing your work is great, being able to communicate what you do, what you need others to do, and imparting other critical information clearly and concisely is even more valuable.

Tech-savvy skills

Even if you don’t taiyuan mobile phone number list work in IT or a technology company, every firm uses technology   in some way, shape, or form. Simple things like Outlook, Salesforce, presentations, and many others, we all utilise technology and software in our daily lives. Today, tools like ChatGPT are becoming more prevalent and employers want to know and see your ability to operate these to increase productivity, remain relevant and stretch your capabilities.

Things are changing. And they’re changing quickly. The old “we’ve done it this way” attitude is a sure way to remain stagnant and ultimately, left behind.

Time management

The introduction of remote work means time management has never been more crucial. Employers need to trust that will manage your time and two-factor authentication via sms: improve your security you will meet your obligations without a supervisor looking over your shoulder. To help you stay on top, prioritise tasks for the next day scheduling the difficult ones first.

Interpersonal skills
Interpersonal skills refer to how well you interact with others. Regardless of your rank in an organisation, you are dealing with colleagues, suppliers, managers, clients, and other stakeholders and to work well with them, you require good interpersonal skills. These help you build and nurture relationships, help you handle conflict, and navigate other situations that often arise in the workplace.



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