How to increase brand awareness and is it necessary to do it

Every customer has their own list of brands that they know and regularly buy. Having seen a new product from such a company, the customer will never pass by. Let’s figure out how to become such a brand – measure and increase the brand awareness coefficient so that the number of customers increases and they stay with you as long as possible.

What is brand awareness

Brand awareness is when people think how to build phone number list of your brand when they hear about a specific product category or recognize it on store shelves. Knowing about a company makes a customer more likely to choose its products.

For example, if you want to buy a high-pressure car washer, most consumers will turn their attention to the Kärcher brand. These devices are used in car washes, they are advertised on television, mentioned in the media, and there are few people who have not heard of them.

3 Degrees of Brand Recognition

Cue recognition. Consumers recognize a brand when they see its logo, name, packaging design, or audio branding elements.
Spontaneous recognition (without prompting). The customer recalls the name when a certain product category is mentioned. As a rule, such behavior indicates a strong connection between the customer and the brand and indicates that he perceives it as one of the market leaders.
Constant knowledge or top-of-mind. These are the first few companies that a consumer remembers in a category. For example, a sweet drink is Coca-Cola, a Russian bank is Sber, dairy products are Prostokvashino. Constant knowledge of a brand means that the company is a market leader.

Why is it necessary to increase company recognition?

Every organization strives for top-of-mind recognition. There are a number of good reasons for this:

Increased income. This is influenced by two factors. First, customers are more likely to choose products from popular brands. Second, well-known brands can sell their products at a higher price because consumers are willing to buy what is content marketing them at prices higher than those of competitors.
Increased efficiency of marketing activities. The more people know about the brand, the warmer its target audience. When launching advertising campaigns, such an audience moves more actively through the sales funnel, which increases the return on investment in advertising.
Differentiation from competitors. The more famous the organization’s products, the easier it is to stand out even in a crowded niche.
Extending the customer life cycle. Well-known brands are often purchased on a regular basis. Customers return to the brand again and again and are more willing to try new products.
Increase in the consumer loyalty index. Brand recognition and the stability of the quality of its products increase the trust and loyalty of consumers. Because of this, they not only give it preference among a wide variety of goods, but also recommend it to their friends and relatives.

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How to measure the current level
Before you start working on increasing brand awareness, it is important to measure the current level. There are several ways to analyze it:

Surveys and questionnaires

The simplest method is to conduct a survey or questionnaire of the target audience. It can be launched in social networks, using a telephone survey, posting questionnaires on websites or launching a special survey, for example, through the Yandex.Vzglyad service.

Analysis of user search queries

For this, you can use Google Trends or Yandex Wordstat. You need to analyze brand queries, comparing them with competitors. For example, the brand Diamonds of Yakutia has 14,578 queries per month, and Sunlight has 97,505 queries. Obviously, Sunlight has a higher level of recognition throughout Russia.

Mention Analysis

It will help to find out how often the organization is mentioned in the media and social networks. Online services and platforms are used for the analysis. In addition to the number of mentions, links to publications, some platforms can analyze the number of likes, comments and even determine the emotional coloring of the stated. The services are paid, but they help not only to determine the level of awareness of the target audience, but also to promptly respond to any news related to the trademark.

Advertising Performance Analysis

They measure the number of impressions, clickability of advertising and conversion rate. Analytics on this data can be tracked in Yandex or Google advertising accounts, as well as on marketplaces, if the organization is represented on them.

Tracking Reviews

More recognizable brands tend to have many more reviews than niche and lesser-known brands. Every company needs to monitor reviews regularly , so using this method should not be a problem

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