Because digital marketing is about connecting people

We take a look at articles and blogs. On digital digital marketing and social media, we will realise. Focus on tools, recommendations or advice. Tricks, tutorials, success stories and analysis. Short, on providing professionals and interest. readers with useful and valuable content.

 Marketing professionals sometimes

Now focus on this analysis, but online. Get lost in the digital design of perfect digital. Marketing strategies, in monitoring and measurement. Keyword analysis and publication scheduling. Making an infallible call to action or CTA, in generating web traffic or increasing the conversion rate.

Powerful communication channel

We are aware that the digital environment, in its broadest sense, from social networks to blogs, to email marketing… is a very  to connect digital brands with people and people with people, but nevertheless, digital communications are increasingly more impersonal and social networks are anything but social.

It seems that we have remained at the first lesson of communication theory that was taught in school, the sender sends a message to the receiver, a message that must be translated and interpreted in order to be answered, and to start a conversation. But this is not enough if we want to generate value and establish a bond. There were other important elements that we are leaving aside.

Because digital marketing is about connecting

People, and we at La Cultura del Marketing want to show you how. Will you join us?

Convert followers into people
You only have to take a look at social networks or the comments on a blog or site, or if you prefer and being more technical, monitor results and conversations to realize that social networks are going through a period where interaction is almost automatic and where conversations and dialogue are becoming less and less relevant.

To give you a close example, in the blogger world, content is shared, favorited and liked, retweeted and posts are cited in which the user has not even read the content, they simply did it for the sake of generating an interaction that contributes to their wall or timeline being active, generating noise and thus “supposedly increasing their community.”

Interaction without meaning or coherence?

That is not the stated objective, we must change our mindset and do it now to seek connection with people, to convert followers and fans into a community, a community that shares knowledge, that dialogues, that contributes, establishing a lasting and stable emotional bond.

In this way we will create communities of people with common interests, communities of value and lasting over time, prescribers and why not finally friends.

Devirtualize your community

Digital marketing strategies must be complemented by traditional or offline marketing strategies . Not everything goes anymore and the smokescreen that has been the Internet is beginning to deflate. The content that is published must be demonstrated, the advantages and differential values ​​of brands must be confirmed with tangible actions. To do this, there is nothing better than facts, facts to strengthen words, because the path is made by walking, and the reputation of a brand is built in the real world.

Let us not forget that behind every profile, every blog and every site there are people who manage resources, content and communications.

For example, in my specific case, I share on the Internet when I am giving a talk or participating in a conference, not only with a photo or a video but encouraging attendees to share and be active on social networks, I post press clippings, I link websites that reference me, I participate in projects in which I can contribute my expertise… in short, I confirm that what I communicate and publish is real.

No more fake gurus, fake brands or fake

An important goal to set or establish in your more human marketing is to start devitalizing your digital community or clients.

How many members of your community or how many clients do you have with whom you have been communicating digitally for years but with whom you have never established any other type of connection, spoken or seen in person?

Have you ever tried making a phone call or attending an event or organizing an action where brand and customer, follower and follower can meet in person?

Well, I recommend it to you, the perception changes completely when we connect people with people, because we are social beings that need to communicate physically.

This past year I’ve started attending events and it’s great to meet part of your community in person, fellow bloggers or attendees who are just starting to follow you.

Tips for making digital marketing more human

What can we do to make our digital marketing actions more “human”:

– Seek dialogue, conversation, generate topics of interest and debate so that your community can participate.

– Disrupt, be different and create value.

– Create an online/offline marketing mix with the aim of getting to know your community: organize events (conferences, talks, workshops…), carry out loyalty actions with calls to customers, make sure your customer service channel is not automate.

Natural in your social media posts and responses

– Be collaborative, share your experience with other people, establish synergies by going a step further, get out of your comfort zone!!!

– Acknowledge your mistakes, it’s okay to make mistakes, it’s human, so rectify them, ask for forgiveness and move forward.

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– Let’s put aside the “egoism”, it’s time to stop releasing content that always talks about the same thing, that always talks about the brand, or how good we are…change the focus!!!

Avoid to not be an automaton

overseas data

Of course, eliminate the following negative points from your strategy:

– Try to schedule as few posts as possible to be as natural as possible.

– Eliminate automation: we are not robots and we do not want to  serv  robots. Why, if I follow you on Twitter, do you send me an automated direct message and everyone will be the same? Why, if I need help and go to your chat, am I not served by a professional but by a machine?

– Don’t buy followers or follow hundreds of thousands of people just for the sake of them following you; you don’t realize that it’s obvious that you have a “dead” community. What good does that do?

Information or incorporates worthless

Content. Clients or users want quality the role of education in successful sms referral campaigns content, they want solutions, they want to feel listened to!!!

– Beware of massive, automated email marketing campaigns without valuable content because they will only generate unsubscribes and rejection.

– No repeat campaigns where you bombard the customer, either by email, SMS or WhatsApp.

We cannot and must not forget that the focus of digital marketing strategies must be people. A digital environment saturat with sites and blogs. Information and infoxication. The only way to differentiate ourselves  creating. Emotional ties with our community or clients.

Valuable content now a must  b2c lead we cannot ignore. So the next step is to build long-lasting, honest and transparent relationships with our readers and visitors, with our potential clients and customers, and to do so we need to change our focus.

The digital world evolves, the digital user changes and the digital marketing professional must change their approach.

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