5 basic actions in digital marketing

As every year at this time, we are marketing immers in the development of the Digital Marketing Plan of the company or digital brand. A working document that must include the objectives, the action plan, the basic budget, measurement and analysis, timing…

And of course, it  essential

The digital marketing trends of each year, to take them into account and not be left out of the game. That is why we tell you 5 basic digital marketing actions that are essential !

Because although it is evident that digital digital marketing evolves gradually and that trends often remain just that. In headlines for articles and posts, our intention is clear, to provide you with 5 basic digital marketing actions that we must integrate YES or YES into our digital strategy .

Stop beating around the bush

Basic actions in digital marketing: more human digital marketing
The first of the digital marketing actions for 2016 that we recommend is humanized marketing .

For us, it is already a reality that digital marketing companies and brands must include the most human aspect in their digital marketing strategies. Because social media users, Internet users who visit websites and the entire digital  marketing community in general are demanding it.

Must humanize digital communication

to start connecting people with people, go further and really get to know our digital client, our fan or follower.

To do this we need to generate debate, dialogue, direct contacts, and meet the needs and transfer the avatar or nickname to get to know the person behind it and be able to personalize the marketing actions we design for them.

The second of the digital marketing

actions for 2016 that we recommend is video marketing .

In this sense, I think that this is digital the marketing second consecutive year that I have stressed this aspect. But perhaps this year is more relevant than the previous one because the content has increased fivefold. Because the competition is increasingly greater, because the user needs less time and a greater offer. Because the visual is 150 times more attractive than the non-visual…

If we have a digital presence, it is time to start thinking about incorporating video content into our website or blog to attract qualified web traffic and position ourselves much better.

It’s the year to open a channel on YouTube or Vimeo or to implement a video marketing strategy by uploading videos to Twitter, Facebook or Instagram…

Actions in digital marketing:

database management and qualification
The third of the digital marketing actions for 2016 that we recommend is the management of marketing-oriented databases .

It may seem obvious, but I increasingly come across clients who, in their daily digital marketing management, have been accumulating data and more customer data. Different databases generated by Facebook contests, display campaigns, promotions and offers on the web, the subscription channel… The result is an “amalgam” of data that they don’t know how to exploit and get the most out of.

Digital marketing is data. Every contact on social media is data, every user who visits a blog or website is data, every person who participates in a raffle is data… therefore we must orient the company and digital marketing towards the philosophy of data.

Solid databases must be built, supported by CRM-type management programs, in order to optimize resources and direct actions toward a positive return on investment or ROI.

Marketing Analytics

The fourth of the digital marketing actions for 2016 that we recommend is digital analytics .

To date, in our opinion, it has been largely forgotten by small and medium-sized businesses and brands, but this situation must change now!!!!

All digital marketing actions must be aimed at achieving marketing objectives. Objectives that must focus on generating income or a return on investment via web traffic and conversion (conversion that each business model will define in advance).

Analytics must go from being something passive that is carried out at the end of the action to being an important part in the definition of the digital marketing strategy, and the development of actions.

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It will help us to establish objectives and measurement KPIs , it will help us to analyze whether we are experiencing positive and negative deviations, why and the exact moment to apply corrective actions; it will help us to justify spending on digital marketing as an investment.

Basic actions in digital marketing: microtargeting
The fifth of the digital marketing actions for 2016 that we recommend is the creation of microtargets.

phone number library

For us, segmentation has always

A key element in any self-respecting marketing. Strategy, but if we apply this concept. The digital sphere  becomes especially relevant.

We must define our target audience and then divide or segment it into microtarget markets. That  small groups of potential customers. Common or similar characteristics (socio-demographics. Consumption and purchasing habits. Tastes and preferences, motivations.

In this way, we can define exactly the scope of our digital marketing actions, being more efficient and effective and optimizing budget strategies for generating excitement in sms referral marketing items because if there is one thing that the digital world has, it is that we have a multitude of data and tools for it.

As you may have read throughout the post, I don’t know if we are talking about trends or actions or simply lines of work that we must integrate without fail for the coming year. Well, some are common sense and others are really trends that are consolidating and that as marketing professionals we cannot ignore.

 More excuses you have 5 basic digital marketing actions

to add to the list. Make digital marketing b2c lead more human. Generate content in video format and video marketing actions. Work on and qualify the databases oriented to marketing management. Work on and integrate digital analytics in each action you develop and launch. And redefine microtargets that seek the efficiency and effectiveness of the actions developed.

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